What's new in Music Collaboration

There has never been a time when music collaboration has been so easy. In the privacy of your own home. You don't have to lug your gear anywhere. I wish we always had this.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Music Collaboration Site

Hi Everyone,

We have two new Music Collaboration Sites: Myblogband.com and www.buildajam.com/

Myblogband uses a patent pending web application for their music collaboration site. It sounds interesting.

Buildajam.com looks like a fine edition to our list.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New Music Collaboration Sites

Hi Everyone,

We have six new Music Collaboration sites today for a total of 13 this week. You will find them, as usual, on the main list. They are not in any sort of order. They are just a big pile, but it is all in one place and that was the goal. If anyone wants to work on a rating system. Please contact me.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sad News-disabled list grows

Hi Everyone,

We have had 16 Music Collaboration sites go disabled status. I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that many of these Domain Names are probably available. So if you want/need one, check the whois for the domain name and contact them.

I'm a bit of a Domainer so if anyone wants me to be an Agent to acquire one Please email me.

I did an www.estibot.com appraisal on the following and consider them good candidates for a Music Collaboration site. They are as follows:

artistcollaboration.com-Listed forsale@ $400.00 OBO

Again the status of any of these Domain Names would have to be investigated, I only suggest that may be available and that they are good candidates for the right person at the right price.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Music Collaboration site

Hi Everyone,

We have a new Music Collaboration site today: http://www.narkoba.be
Interesting domain name. It's run by a fellow in Brussels, Belgium. Very Cool.

Wouter is his name and he has a very interesting looking site. Check it out.

Later, Jeff

Monday, November 02, 2009

Second Place

Hi Everyone,

I'm exstatic, second place on generic search for music collaboration on Google. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. I got a radio going on the site now. I'm not sure how it happened, but hey, enjoy. I like to listen to it when I do my email.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Just added

Hi Everyone,

Just added 8 new sites, they are on the top of the list. Check it out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Google Standings

Hey Everyone,

You won't believe where we stand in a simple google search for music collaboration. Seventh, seventh place on the first page. Wow! A blog on the first page of the search. Thanks to everyone who uses the site. Music Collaboration is the answer. Go head and keep using it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Kompoz.com looks like the real deal. Easy to use, a good range of skill levels in the members. No need for anyone to be intimidated. Well done. 5/5

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Does not look too useful as a collaboration site. It seems to be something like a parked domain. They are selling acoustic stuff, I think.

Friday, June 05, 2009


This is only my second review, but it's quick. It was a bit of a disappointment. It started out good. It has a video that promises easy real-time jamming with anyone, anywhere. So naturally I signed up. Turns out to be some kind of a waiting list. Maybe if there is enough interest, someday type-deal.

Well, there are plenty of sites that actually work, right now. So I give these guys a .5 rating for now.


Welcome back

Hi everyone,

I have just finished some well needed renovations on the site. I have set a list of all known music collaboration sites on the right side and I intend to use the left side for it's proper role as blog posts. I will start work on testing the music collaboration sites but it's liable to take a while. Offers of help would be appreciated.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sign of the times

Hi People,

My extended absence has found many links no longer working. I did a quick reedit of the last post and weeded out the dead links. The ones left seem to be healthy. I will try to do a big search soon and find the fresh meat.
