What's new in Music Collaboration

There has never been a time when music collaboration has been so easy. In the privacy of your own home. You don't have to lug your gear anywhere. I wish we always had this.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Disabled list grows, :(

It was a rough year. 8 collaboration sites went down: wemusic.veenue.com, koblo.com, ultimateband.com, trackbeast.com, sawubona-musicjam.com, digitracs.com, thounds.com, fuseboard.com, .

We had a couple of marriages: riffworks.com and sonomawireworks.com tied the knot. Either domain works now. Congrats!

Also, oneloudr.com and notethrower.com made it legal. best wishes! ;)

We got one back, yes! openmusicfactory.com is alive and well. Great to have you back on the main list.

We had 4 domains leave the disabled list for new genres: musicollaborate.com is a blog. nzjams.com is a job search site. rifftrader.com is a professional housewife site. and splicemusic.com is an archive. Farewell and good luck in the new genres.

We have a new listing: studiotraxx.com , good luck. Last but not least we made it back to page 5 on a generic google search. We have a ways to go. say la vee.

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